Periods. Ewww. Period sex. That’s disgusting. Heard those negative taunts before? The way both the media and people perceive period sex (or blatantly ignore it) you would think that people who bleed are diseased creatures out to infect the entire world with their dirty blood. Well, it’s about time to squash that damaging misconception and let the world know that period sex is not only great for people on their periods, but it can also be enjoyed by partners as well.
If you have yet to venture into the bloody amazing world of period sex and have some hesitations about where to start or how to approach the topic with your partner then you have come to the right place. We are here to put your mind at ease, encourage you to celebrate your body’s natural functions and your right to personal pleasure. Not only will you be connecting with your partner on a different level, you will also be providing your body with a range of magical benefits. So buckle up, and get yourself ready for all you need to know on how to ride the crimson wave.
Talk To Your Partner About Having Sex On Your Period
Be open and honest about your desires and allow your partner to do the same. Period sex may not be everyone’s cup of tea, but if you both create a dialogue to openly discuss your interests and boundaries you may be able to reach a healthy middle ground. If your partner isn’t quite ready to take the crimson dive don’t despair. There are many alternative solutions such as mutual masturbation or using a range of sex toys that will let your partner be involved in your pleasure without having to take that next step. Don’t forget there are always self-loving solutions such as masturbation and using vibrators if your hormones are going wild and your partner just isn’t in the mood.
Address The Misconceptions of Period Sex
No, period sex isn’t unhygienic or dirty, and no, your partner can’t catch an infection from your period blood, unless you happen to already have an infection of your own. This goes both ways, and it is important to be aware of the fact that during menstruation you can be more susceptible to catching an STI, as the cervix is extended during this time of the month. Another misconception is the idea that you can’t get pregnant while on your period, but sadly, this is not entirely true. Each person is different, so depending on your own cycle length there is a chance that it may overlap with ovulation. According to sex expert, Dr Megan Stubbs in an article with Astroglide “sperm live in the vagina for about 72 hours, and there is a chance you may begin ovulation at the tail end of your bleeding. Double reason to always use a condom!” Better to be safe than sorry, so always use protection if you aren’t on the pill or another form of contraception.

Realize The Benefits
Despite the range of misconceptions and ongoing negative stigma towards period sex, there are some incredible benefits that need to be brought to light. It’s not all gloom and doom, baby. Actually, quite the opposite! Our favorite and most important benefit is the fact that orgasms can help reduce period symptoms. Basically a win-win right there, you orgasm and manage your cramps simultaneously. Why isn’t everyone having sex while they’re menstruating! Having sex while on the rag can also help reduce irritability, a benefit that’s great for both you and your partner, who may occasionally be on the receiving end of your bad mood.
Menstruation can also increase arousal for some bleeders, and as a result they can experience higher orgasm intensity when having period sex. With the rise of estrogen – which plays a key role in producing arousal – during menstruation it’s no wonder that period sex can be more satisfying, and even mind-blowing!
Preparation Is Key!
Prepare yourself for the potential (and likely) mess that is bound to occur, especially if you are planning on engaging in sex on the first few days of your period, when the flow is the heaviest. Set the bedroom scene by laying down a dark towel that will help stop any blood seeping through and staining your sheets. Put a few paper towels on the bedside table for easy access post-intercourse that will enable a quick cleanup before waddling to the bathroom. If you’re really worried about ruining your sheets consider an alternate setting to the bedroom, such as the kitchen or the bathroom. Both have running water and towels in easy reach, while the new environment will create a fun change of pace.
But What Positions Should We Try?
Whether you’re in a heterosexual or same-sex relationship, every couple is different in what may or may not work for them. There are, however, a few go-to positions that can help in increasing pleasure and reducing mess. Trying to steer clear of any position that involves the menstruating person being on top, as this will most likely increase blood flow and leave a bit of a puddle! Try spooning or lying side-by-side facing each other, both positions that will encourage intimacy and reduce mess. Missionary position will work well for period sex, as having the person bleeding on the bottom with the pelvis slightly raised will reduce the flow that may come out. Having sex in the shower can work if menstrual cramps aren’t too bad, and standing up isn’t an issue. Since water isn’t a great lubricant, take advantage of the natural lubricant that comes from period blood, making things slippery and clean. There is no wrong or right position when it comes to menstruation sex, just experiment with your partner and see what works best for both of you.

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