Are you feeling lost and confused when it comes to understanding your menstrual cycle? Don’t worry; you’re not alone! Many women find it challenging to track and predict the arrival of their periods. But fear not! You can be better equipped to manage your menstrual cycle by paying attention to the signs your body gives you.
Before your period arrives, you may experience food cravings. This is because of a drop in serotonin levels that can cause you to seek out comfort foods such as chocolate and carbs.
Breast Tenderness
Breast tenderness and swelling is a common premenstrual symptom. This can be due to the rise in estrogen and progesterone levels, which cause the breasts to fill with fluid.
Acne Breakouts
Hormonal fluctuations can cause acne breakouts before your period arrives.
Mood Swings
Fluctuations in hormones, such as estrogen and progesterone, can cause sudden shifts in emotions and mood swings before your period.
Increased production of the hormone progesterone can cause bloating, leading to a bloated feeling.
Increased production of the hormone prolactin can cause drowsiness and fatigue.
Uterine contractions to shed the endometrial lining can cause cramps that may start a few days before your period.
The increased production of the hormone prostaglandin can cause the muscles to become tense and sore, leading to backaches.
Hormonal changes that occur before your period can cause the blood vessels in the brain to expand, leading to headaches.
Increased Appetite
The increased production of the hormone estrogen can cause you to crave more food, leading to an increased appetite.

Tracking your menstrual cycle can help you predict when your period is coming. It’s crucial to note that every woman’s cycle is different, and yours may vary in length and intensity. Don’t be afraid to seek advice from your doctor if you experience severe pain or discomfort during your period.
Remember, your menstrual cycle is a natural and normal process that occurs in most women of reproductive age. By understanding your body and its needs, you can take control of your health and well-being. So don’t let your period catch you off guard! Be prepared, and stay in tune with your body.
Head photo by Sora Shimazaki