What Should A Partner Do During Your Period

Having an emotionally supportive partner during your period can make a huge difference in how you feel physically and emotionally.
How does it feel to Live with Endometriosis

For the millions of women worldwide who suffer from this condition, living with endometriosis can be an incredibly challenging experience.
Track Your Flow: 10 Signs That Your Period Is Coming

Manage your menstrual cycle by paying attention to the signs your body gives you before your period begins.
PMS: What It Is and How It Affects Our Behavior

What are premenstrual syndrome symptoms, their effects on your mood & behavior, and how to overcome PMS for a better quality of life.
Fact vs Fiction: The Truth About Endometriosis

The first step to spreading awareness about endometriosis is challenging the fallacies that have been generated about the disorder. Read more
No More Sleepless Nights: How To Sleep Like A Baby On Your Period

Trying to get to sleep but period cramps are keeping you up? Know that suffering does not have to be an option!
Ride The Crimson Wave With Your Partner: Our Guide To Period Sex

It’s about time to squash that damaging misconception and let the world know that period sex is great for both partners! Read the full guide.
#ENDTAMPONTAX: Why Are We Being Taxed On Hygienic Necessities?

Should menstrual products be treated as necessities or luxuries? We cover the latest in the End the Tampon Tax movement.